Send us your submissions for the next newsletter!
At each conference, we publish a newsletter, which we use as an opportunity to share good practice examples in the areas of work that senior nurses and nurse directors lead.
This may include things directly relevant to the conference, but more widely, it may include information about nursing practice, innovation and education, recruitment and development, healthcare standards, complaints management, diversity, recruitment - whatever you want to share.
Most items should be between 300-500 words - A short case study covering a leadership intervention, a clinical governance/quality improvement project, or a service development – although anything considered. So if you or one of your colleagues has something going on that you would like to share with the forum then please complete the form and add your article for submission.
Alternatively, if there is anyone we should be chasing for an article on something you know they are doing, drop us a line about that too.
If you have any problems please email: