"Consultant Nurses – Keeping Nursing on the Agenda"
Becoming and being a nurse consultant, RCN
Nurse Consultant Census
Capturing impact - A practical toolkit for nurse consultants
Introduction to the toolkit
This toolkit has been designed to help nurse consultants assess the impact they have on patients, the staff that they work with, their organisation, and the contribution they make outside their organisation. It was developed as part of a research project commissioned by the Burdett Trust for Nursing which examined approaches to measuring the impact of nurse consultants. We interviewed several nurse consultants together with the key stakeholders to their post (e.g. colleagues, managers and patients) about the impact that the nurse consultants had. We then worked with each nurse consultant to identify ways whereby they could demonstrate their impact. Throughout this toolkit quotes from these interviews are used to illustrate important issues and many of the examples we provide are based on the nurse consultants' experiences.
Consultant Nurse List By Clinical Speciality
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